Your Bad Self

You Bad Self is a comedy sketch show created by John Butler and Ben Kelly which brings together some of the most exciting new and established Irish acting and writing talent. It won the Irish Film & Television Award in 2010 for Best Entertainment. 



  • 2010 | Treasure Entertainment
  • Director: John Butler
  • Writer: John Butler, Ben Kelly, Karen Egan, Emily Fairman, Tom Farrelly, Domhnall Gleeson, Peter McDonlad, Michael McElhatton, Justine Mitchell, Michael Moloney, Hugh O'Conor, Jason O'Mara, Eoin Williams
  • Cast: Amy Huberman, Karen Egan, Emily Fairman, Tom Farrelly, Domhnall Gleeson, Peter McDonlad, Michael McElhatton, Justine Mitchell, Michael Moloney, Hugh O'Conor, Jason O'Mara

   “Highly-nuanced and
     deeply intelligent comedy”

     – Irish Independent

“jolts the heart with a series
  of genuine belly laughs”

The Evening Herald